#14 - Starting a new project

Blog 2.0

If you are reading this, I have finished a project!

Yeah... I failed on the weekly update, but I've kept my goal of focusing on front-end technologies. I have been developing a blog manager. I know... This is not a mind-blowing project, but it is something small that can be useful for me. And I can add functionalities as I go. And besides that, I believe I'd post more often if I could write some Markdown on a website and publish it from anywhere.

Today, as I write, I'm running it locally, and no one will be able to see this post. I'm using it only to store the Markdown on Firebase. I already did this with all my previous journal entries and blog posts.

It's not yet ready to go live, but it's already proving itself helpful. I'll write all my future posts using it to test and check if everything is ok.

So that's it for now, I hope you will be able to see this soon =)