#12 - Completed Mission

Hello everyone!

The past few weeks have been productive, with significant progress on my Todo application and C++ game.


I used Next.js, tailwind css, and tRCP. It was a great tech to study, and both tailwind and tRCP have helpful documentation. todo-list-revamp I consider this project as a completed mission. I can add, edit and delete tasks. It gave me a good starting point regarding the tech I used.

Tailwind was such a delight to use! It's excellent for me since I don't have a good sense of design, colors, and CSS knowledge.

tRCP allowed me to have an excellent full-stack experience because I didn't need to have a contract between the front and back end. I definitely will continue using this stack for full-stack applications.

I had a blast doing this project, and I look forward to creating a new and more ambitious one. I was thinking of starting a Flash Cards web app where I get a word and should answer with the translation. And add categories to the cards like verbs, colors, adjectives, and so on. Then I can create a study plan. "Only give me cards that are verbs." for example.


I made some progress on my C++ game as well. The code is a bit messy, but it is so much fun to learn while making a game. And now it is looking more like one. I think that a small GIF will explain better: todo-list-revamp

Now I want to learn next about text rendering to show the player's score and create a game menu.

That's it for today. Thanks for reading, and see you later!